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The College Library is headed by a senior Faculty as Library in-charge and is supported by one Librarian, one Library Assistant, one Hardware Technician and one helper. The Central Library is spacious, well ventilated and provided with adequate furniture.

To cater to the needs of Students and the Faculty, the Central Library is equipped with about 2440 volumes and about 992 Titles covering the core subjects as well as general subjects. The Library is fully automated and the data base is managed by SLIM 21 software. A good collection of Titles is earmarked as reference books and a spacious reading room is attached to it. The Library is subscribing to as many as 32 Internatinal, 20 National Journals and 307 E-Journals.

The books are arranged and classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. All students and staff are the members of the library and about 150 persons can use library simultaneously, Open Access System is followed in the library.

The library rules are formulated with the main focus on maximum utilization of all the library resources by all sections of the college and to facilitate the smooth functioning.

Digital Library

The central library has a separate “Electronics Resources Wing” with 10 systems having internet connectivity with 30 mbps Bandwidth to access various National and International Journals & on-line e-journals.

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